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Brokers & Sales Agents
Brokers & Sales Agents
Licensing requirements, Guides and Procedures, Application process & related info.
Apply for a license
How can I apply for a Real Estate Sales Agent license?
How can I apply for a Real Estate Broker license? (Corporate)
How can I apply for a Real Estate Broker license? (Individual)
How can I pay the required fees?
Where can I apply for a license?
Brokers Transaction Register
What is the Brokers Transaction Register?
Types of Licenses
What is the difference between an individual broker and a corporate broker?
What is a sales agent?
When is the latest date for me to apply for a license?
Rights and Obligations
Professional Indemnity Insurance
Is there a public register of all registered brokers and sales agents?
Continuous Professional Development
Are there any professional courses I should take?
RERA Code of Conduct
How can I comply with RERA Code of Conduct?